last updated: 2018-10-08

Geodesic background knowledge, needed for Geodesic functions.

Central angle is shown as Θ (theta)
Segment is the area between chord and arc length.
Sagitta (short) is the height of the segment / Arc.

For Geodesic functions such as: Note:
  since all projections use meters for the earth's radius, the length/area results are always in meters

New Zealand
Sample using Wsg84 [4326] in New Zealand:
   radius[6378137.0]: in meters (Wsg84)
From: North/Western point of the North Island.
  point_from: MakePoint(172.677712,-34.426461,4326)
To:     Southern most point of the South Island.
  point_to: MakePoint(167.836789,-46.969656,4326)
SELECT GeodesicArcLength(point_from,point_to,1);
  1450994.109302 meters
     surface distance, without any hills/moutains
SELECT GeodesicChordLength(point_from,point_to,1);
   1447867.187222 meters
     shortest distance, through the surface
SELECT GeodesicCentralAngle(point_from,point_to,0);
  13.034502 degrees (0.227495 radians)
     angle from the center of the earth to the points
SELECT GeodesicArcHeight(point_from,point_to);
  41217.263818 meters
     from the middle point of the shortest line to the surface (ocean)
SELECT GeodesicArcArea(point_from,point_to);
  39810530621.627159 meters
     area between points, along Shortest Line and Surface measurement

last updated: 2018-10-08