last updated: 2018-10-04

Extract a geometry from a portions of another geometries: San Marino

Used View:

Is to demonstrate the use of:
  • ST_Union (or ST_Collect): showing, in stages, the input geometries and the final result created
  • Explain the difference between ST_Union and ST_Collect
  • Usage of aggregate functions togeather with non-aggregate functions

The purpose of the created Geometry is to show:
  • how to create extra regions/countries from other existing components, otherwise not supported by the original data-source
  • this is a one-time solution, based on collected information (i.e not a general solution to a specific problem)

The Sql-Query , is used to create the San Marino and Vatican City boundries in the admin_regions TABLE.
  recipe #19: merging Communities into Provinces and so on ....
Extract the external boundry of San Marino from the surrounding Community boundries.

The original ISTAT-Data only contains data inside the Italian Republic
  • the Community boundries surrounding San Marino form a common boundry with San Marino
  • with ST_Union one Geometry will be created of the surrounding Communities
  • the single Interior-Ring of this Geometry forms the external boundry of San Marino
  • using ST_InteriorRingN this Interior-Ring will be extracted to create a POLYGON of San Marino
The final result should be stored as a MULTIPOLYGON ...
 -- create a MULTIPOLYGON from a POLYGON

geom_city (non-aggregate-geometry input)
 returns: 1 POLYGON, which will be converted to a MULTIPOLYGON
ST_InteriorRingN result:
  1 LINESTRING, which is closed
ST_MakePolygon result:
  1 POLYGON (input must be a closed LINESTRING)
San Marino from Provinces ST_InteriorRingN San Marino from Cities - ST_MakePolygon

To combine the individual geometries into 1 geometry, removing the internal boundries
  -- create a POLYGON from a closed LINESTRING, non-aggregate-geometry input
   -- Interior-Ring (closed LINESTRING), non-aggregate-geometry input
    -- which Interior-Ring number, 1-based
     -- non-aggregate-geometry input

geom_city (aggregate-geometry input)
 returns: 6 POLYGONs and 2 MULTIPOLYGONs (each with 1 POLYGON)
ST_Union result:
  1 POLYGON with 1 Interior-Ring
ST_Collect result:
San Marino from Provinces ST_Union San Marino from Cities - ST_Collect

To combine the individual geometries into 1 geometry, removing the internal boundries
      -- aggregate-geometry input
... or ...

To collect the individual geometries into 1 geometry, retaining the internal boundries
      -- aggregate-geometry input

(continuation of ST_GeometryN, after ST_Union or ST_Collect)

     -- which geometry from collection, 1-based
   -- which Interior-Ring number, 1-based

geom_city (WHERE condition)
 returns: 6 POLYGONs and 2 MULTIPOLYGONs (each with 1 POLYGON)
The yellow lines show the Communities boundries.
  The center area shows the outline of San Marino.
source: Communities surrounding San Marino
-- source TABLE
FROM admin_cities
 -- condition for aggregate-geometry input [8 cities]
 (id_city IN (41033,41035,41060,99003,99010,99014,99020,99025))

Create a geometry of the Bounding Box as Exterior-Ring and geometry as Interior-Ring

Used Table:

The Goal of the Sql

Is to demonstrate the use of:
  • ST_Difference: showing, in stages, the 2 input geometries and the final result created
  • Explain the difference between ST_Difference and ST_SymDifference

The purpose of the created Geometry is to show:
  • how the SpatialIndex as Geometry looks like
  • compairing it with the Geometry it is based on
  • why Spatial-command (such as St_Contains) is needed to dermine a correct result
  • explain why the order (first SpatialIndex, then Spatial-command) is important, with samples

The Sql-Query , is used to create, the not so stricly needed, bbox_geom_country of the admin_countries TABLE.
  recipe #19: merging Communities into Provinces and so on ....
ST_Difference remove a portion of a Geometry (1st Parameter), with the area of another Geometry (2nd Parameter)
  • the 1st Parameter Geometry is created with BuildMbr from the SpatialIndex entry of the second Geometry
  • the 2nd Parameter Geometry of a country
  • area data will be created for the 2 Parameter Geometries and the final result to compare with

SpatialIndex and St_Contains results, with a list of Cities, will be shown

 Area of a POLYGON is: (Exterior-Ring minus Interior-Ring(s))
  area_bbox_geom_country = (area_bbox_country - area_country)
id_country name_country area_bbox_country area_country area_bbox_geom_country
39 Italy 1284985011570.000000 302065977244.666687 982919034325.346191
378 Republic of San Marino 100437486.093750 61072552.870600 39364933.223150
377 Vatican City State 862840.000000 528986.602061 333853.397939

 Of the area the SpatialIndex entry (BoundingBox) of Italy:
  • 69.2684782 %: (Exterior-Ring): is outside the boundries of Italy
      (Corsica, Slovenia, portions of Austria, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, Hungry, Metropolitan France and Switzerland)
  • 30.7315218 % (Interior-Ring(s)) : is inside the boundries of Italy

 Only the combination of : SpatialIndex query first, then when true ('AND') call to ST_Contains as second condition
  should be used to retrieve the correct results.
SpatialIndex entry (BoundingBox) and ST_Contains results for:
City Italy result ST_Contains result Croatia result ST_Contains result
Triest, Italy true true true false
Zagreb, Croatia true false true true
Bastia, Corsica true false false not called
Athens, Greece false not called false not called

 ) AS area_bbox_country,
 ST_Area(geom_country) AS area_country,
   -- SpatialIndex of geometry of the country
   -- geometry of the boundries of the country
 ) AS area_bbox_geom_country,

SpatialIndex entry (BoundingBox) of Geometry: Area of Exterior-Ring
Geometry: Area of Interior-Ring(s)
Italian Republic San Marino Vatican City
Italian Republic as BoundingBox and Geometry San Marino as BoundingBox and Geometry Vatican City as BoundingBox and Geometry

  • Italian Republic: 4 Exterior-Rings, 1 (Nr. 1) with 401 Interior-Rings
  • San Marino: 1 Exterior-Ring, 1 (Nr. 1) with 1 Interior-Ring
  • Vatican City: 1 Exterior-Ring, 1 (Nr. 1) with 1 Interior-Ring

ST_Difference result:
  the 2nd Parameter Cut Geometry will be removed/cut/subtracted from the 1st Parameter: Source Geometry

When the 2nd Parameter Cut Geometry is is a country
  and the Source Geometry are :
  • POINTs: All Cities in Europe
      result: only those Cities outside the 2nd Parameter Cut Geometry will remain
  • LINESTRINGs: All Railroad-Lines in Europe
      result: only those Railroad-Lines outside the 2nd Parameter Cut Geometry will remain
  • POLYGONs: All Countries in Europe
      result: only those Countries outside the 2nd Parameter Cut Geometry will remain

ST_SymDifference result:
  portions outside the 2nd Parameter Cut Geometry and the 1st Source Geometry will remain

When the Source Geometry is the SpatialIndex entry (BoundingBox) of Geometry of the Italian Republic
  and the 2nd Parameter Cut Geometry is:
  • POINTs: All the Cities in Croatia
      result: only the portion of Cities outside the 1st Parameter Source Geometry will remain
  • LINESTRINGs: All the Railroad-Lines in Croatia
      result: only the portion of Railroad-Lines outside the 1st Parameter Source Geometry will remain
  • POLYGONs: The Geometry of Croatia
      result: only the portion of Croatia outside the 1st Parameter Source Geometry will remain

SpatialIndex entry (BoundingBox) of Geometry: Area of Exterior-Ring
Italian Republic San Marino Vatican City
Italian Republic as BoundingBox San Marino as BoundingBox Vatican City as BoundingBox

ST_Difference 1st Parameter: Source Geometry
   (a portion of this Geometry to be removed, corresponding to the 2nd Parameter Geometry)
   -- SpatialIndex of geometry of the boundries of the country
  • each : 1 Exterior-Ring, with 5 POINTs (closed LINESTRING)
The CreateSpatialIndex command will create a TABLE based on the following syntax:
  • 'idx_' static (GeoPackage: 'rtree_')
  • table-name+'_'
  • geometry-column-name
Containing the columns pkid [GeoPackage: id], as Primary Key of the original TABLE, and xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax
An Alias is used to simplify the usage: idx_admin_countries_geom_country AS idx_SpatialIndex

Geometry: Area of (Exterior-Ring minus Interior-Ring(s))
Italian Republic San Marino Vatican City
Italian Republic as Geometry San Marino as Geometry Vatican City as Geometry

ST_Difference 2nd Parameter Cut Geometry
   (the portion of 1st Parameter Geometry to be removed)
  • Italian Republic: 401 Exterior-Rings, 1 (Nr. 232) with 3 Interior-Rings
  • San Marino: 1 Exterior-Ring
  • Vatican City: 1 Exterior-Ring

 ) AS bbox_geom_country
-- source TABLE with JOIN to SpatialIndex TABLE
FROM admin_countries
-- SpatialIndex syntax: "idx" + table-name + geometry-column-name
JOIN idx_admin_countries_geom_country AS idx_SpatialIndex ON

Search for Degree-Points, within meter a distance using the SpatialIndex with ST_Buffer and PtDistWithin

Used Table:

The Goal of the Sql

Is to a general purpose Sql to create list POINTs, based on a Geographic (Degrees, such as Wsg84) based SRID, and:
  • a starting POINT, again given in the used SRID (4326)
  • distance given in meters

Based on these 2 values, the meters distance in degrees will be calculated
  • using ST_Project to CREATE a POINT due north of the given start POINT, usng the meters distance
  • using MakeLine: a LINESTRING will be created using both POINTs, in the used SRID (4326)
  • with ST_Distance the distance in degrees of the LINESTRING will be returned

The SpatialIndex will be used to first retrieve likley candidates using
  • ST_Buffer, creating a circle around the starting POINT, created the distance in degrees
PtDistWithin will the check if the candidates are within the circle
  • since a candidate may be inside the BoundingBox of the SpatialIndex entry, but outside of the circle

The first part of the results will show:
  • the title of the Query
  • the given distance in meters
  • the calculated distance degrees
The second part of the results will show:
  • 5 columns of the the main TABLE
  • the given distance in meters
  • the calculated distance degrees
The third part of the results will show:
  • calculated distance from the starting POINT to the found city as:
    • degrees using ST_Distance and ST_Project
    • meters using ST_Distance
    • mille passus (Roman Miles) calculated as (meters/1481)
    • Kilometers using CvtToKm
    • U.S. Statute Miles using CvtToUsMi
    • Indian Chains using CvtToIndCh

The returned results, should primaraly, be used to determine a realistic distance in degrees for use with
  ST_Buffer, that needs Geographic distances for a degrees based SRID.
from_result defines;
  • distance_search_degrees: Calculates the search area from meters to degrees
  • distance_degrees: Calculates the distance in degrees from the starting POINT
  • distance_meters: Calculates the distance in meters from the starting POINT
  • Exposes all columns defined in
      source_data, that is defined as :
    • distance_search_name: Some useful text describing the Query
    • distance_search_meters: sets the value to be used for the calulations
    • start_point: sets the value to be used as the starting POINT
    • Exposes columns, with an alias of the source table to be used in the result output
    • source_geometry_name: sets the value used in the SpatialIndex for f_geometry_column
    • source_geometry: sets the value source table geometry-column to be used for the calulations f_geometry_column
    • source_table_name: sets the value used in the SpatialIndex for f_table_name
    • source_table: sets the source table to be used

This query has been designed to work with both:
  • cities1000.txt: as TABLE 'cities1000'
  • allCountries.txt: as TABLE 'countries'
both of which the same structure.
For use with other tables, most of the needed changes can be done in from_result and source_data.
 -- source_data: search distance point as name
 -- source_data: search distance in meters
 -- search distance in degrees
 -- cities1000: id_geoname
 -- cities1000: timezone_id
 -- cities1000: name
 -- cities1000: feature_class (as source_query_column)
 from_result.source_query_column AS type,
 -- cities1000: admin1_code
 -- cities1000: country_code
 -- distance in degrees
 -- distance in meters
 -- distance in mille passus
 (from_result.distance_meters/1481) AS roman_miles,
 -- Spatialite specific function: convert to Kilometers
 CvtToKm(distance_meters) AS kilometers,
 -- Spatialite specific function: convert to U.S. Statute Miles
 CvtToUsMi(distance_meters) AS us_statute_miles,
 -- Spatialite specific function: convert to Indian Chains
 CvtToIndCh(distance_meters) AS indian_chains
 -- aggregate-geometry input: 1 record (as MULTIPOINT) will be created
 -- ST_Collect(geom_wsg84)
 -- non-aggregate-geometry input: 1 record (as POINT), for each place within area will be created
 -- CastToMulti(geom_wsg84)
 -- source Sub-Query, bringing together what belongs together
  -- Project POINT 'distance_search_meters' meters due NORTH [0] of start_point, return distance in wsg84 degrees
  ST_Distance(source_data.start_point,ST_Project(source_data.start_point,source_data.distance_search_meters,0)) AS distance_search_degrees,
  -- calculate distance in degrees [returned result in CRS units]
  (ST_Distance(source_data.source_geometry,source_data.start_point)) AS distance_degrees,
  -- calculate distance in meters [precise (but slower) length computed from the Ellipsoid]
  (ST_Length(MakeLine(source_data.source_geometry,source_data.start_point),1)) AS distance_meters,
  -- include all the columns from 'source_data'
   -- source: meters and start POINT with alias
   -- '20 miles from Dallas, Texas' AS distance_search_name,
   -- CvtFromUsMi(20) AS distance_search_meters,
   -- Position 31840.733235 meters and 19.784875 miles from Dallas, Texas
   -- MakePoint(-96.8785,33.0637,4326) AS start_point
   '32 Km from: Foro Romano, Roma' AS distance_search_name,
   CvtFromKm(32) AS distance_search_meters,
   MakePoint(12.484847,41.892464,4326) AS start_point,
   -- '1600 Indian Chains from: Secretariat Building, New Delhi' AS distance_search_name,
   -- CvtFromIndCh(1600) AS distance_search_meters,
   -- MakePoint(77.205833,28.615,4326) AS start_point,
   -- Expose columns to be used in result
   source_table.geom_wsg84 AS source_geometry,
   source_table.feature_class AS source_feature_class,
   source_table.id_rowid AS source_id_rowid,
   source_table.id_geoname AS source_id_geoname, AS source_name,
   source_table.timezone_id AS source_timezone_id,
   source_table.admin1_code AS source_admin1_code,
   source_table.country_code AS source_country_code,
   source_table.feature_class AS source_query_column,
   "P" AS source_query_column_value,
   -- source: table and geometry name, with alias: used for for SpatialIndex
   -- countries contains: 11.817.314 rows [feature_class='P': 4.697.154]
   -- 'countries' AS source_table_name,
   'geom_wsg84' AS source_geometry_name,
   -- cities1000 contains: 128.743 rows
   'cities1000' AS source_table_name
  FROM cities1000 AS source_table
 ) source_data
  -- return only POINTS inside circle created by ST_Buffer
  source_data.source_id_rowid IN
   -- query SpatialIndex: faster than calling a Spatial-Function for each geometry
    -- source table containg POINTs
    (f_table_name = source_data.source_table_name) AND
    -- geometry-column to use (only mandatory when the TABLE contains more than 1 geometry)
    (f_geometry_column = source_data.source_geometry_name) AND
    (search_frame =
     -- SpatialIndex will search for the BoundingBox of the circle
      -- create a circle with the center being the start-point
      -- the distance between the center and the edge in degrees
   ) AND
   -- needed for countries, unique in cities1000 [P=populated place]
   (source_data.source_query_column IN (source_data.source_query_column_value)) AND
   -- check if returned result from the SpatialIndex is within the circle (may be inside the BoundingBox, but outside of circle)
 -- result of Sub-Query, with alias
) AS from_result
ORDER BY distance_meters ASC;

91 rows returned (first, second and last shown here):
distance_search_name distance_search_meters distance_search id_geoname timezone_id name type admin1_code country_code distance_degrees distance_meters roman_miles kilometers us_statute_miles indian_chains
32 Km from: Foro Romano, Roma 32000.000000 0.288096 3169070 Europe/Rome Rome P 07 IT 0.026488 2198.636331 1.484562 2.198636 1.366167 109.294112
32 Km from: Foro Romano, Roma 32000.000000 0.288096 6691831 Europe/Vatican Vatican City P VA 0.032362 2789.398776 1.883456 2.789399 1.733249 138.660887
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
32 Km from: Foro Romano, Roma 32000.000000 0.288096 8949146 Europe/Rome Casalazzara P 07 IT 0.284583 30882.136227 20.852219 30.882136 19.189231 1535.149593

Roman mile Zones (1 mille passus = 1481 meters) :
  • 570-620: outer ring
  • 470-520: 1st inner ring
  • 370-420: 2nd inner ring
  • 270-320: 3rd inner ring
  • 170-220: final inner ring
  • 0-170: area of 170 mille passus from the Foro Romano
mille passus from/to: 170-220, 270-320, 370-420, 470-520, 570-620
Changing the distance_search_meters conditiona to:
  • '620 mille passus from: Foro Romano, Roma' AS distance_search_name,
  • CvtFromKm((620*1.481)) AS distance_search_meters,
and adding a WHERE condition (before the ORDER BY statement):

 -- BETWEEN both numbers (inclusive)
 (roman_miles BETWEEN 170 AND 220) OR
 (roman_miles BETWEEN 270 AND 320) OR
 (roman_miles BETWEEN 370 AND 420) OR
 (roman_miles BETWEEN 470 AND 520) OR
 (roman_miles BETWEEN 570 AND 620)

  creates a Zone Map of populated places outside of Italy (49 B.C.) with 50 mille passus (Roman Miles) intervals.
A quick check to insure that the law on imperium is being respected,   shows that we (almost) got it right:

Area of Arno and Rubicon Rivers:
  Boundary between the Roman province of Cisalpine Gaul and Italy proper
  The crossing of the Rubicon was probely near the rightmost point, on the Adriatic.
mille passus from/to: 170-220, 270-320, 370-420, 470-520, 570-620

So, as you can see, it is very easy to waste a lot of time, creating something (otherwise compleatly useless),
  just to satisfy one's curiosity (or just to see if it can be done).

last updated: 2018-10-04