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spatialite_dem - Introduction

Goals of Tool spatialite_dem

Create a Dem-Database from 1 or more xyz-files

  1. this can be a single xyz-file

  2. a directory of xyz-files

  3. a list-file, each line containing one xyz-file-name,

    whereby list file must be in the directory that contains the listed files

Notes: Before importing, the first line of each file will read

, checking if 3 double values can be properly converted
  • if yes: a valid xyz-file is assumed and the file-name and point x/y are stored in a memory table

During importing, this memory table is read, sorting by point_y ASC, point_x ASC

Goal is to import all points sorted as:
  • y='South to North' and x='West to East'

The created table will contain the x/y/z values as doubles and a POINTZ geometry with the given srid.

Then a RecoverGeometryColumn and CreateSpatialIndex is done. For my 1.116 billion Berlin-Database
  • importing took about 8 hours (the same as the sqlite3 csv import of the same data) to compleate and
  • creating the SpatialIndex took a further 2 days and 8 hours.

Sort command for a xyz-file:

In theory;
  • you should recieve your .xyz files properly sorted
In praxis;
  • this is not always the case (in my case, out of 279 files, at least 1 was not correctly sorted)

For Linux, a correct usage would be:
  • sort -n -k2 -k1 -o
    • -n, --numeric-sort : Compare according to string numerical value.
    • -k2 : Start at the second column (y-Value).
    • -k1 : End at the first column (x-Value).
    • : the input file to read.
    • -o : the output file to create. must not be the same as the input file

For gdal, it is crucial that the .xyz- file is sorted in the Y-Direction
    gdal_translate -ot Float32 -a_srs EPSG:25833 2007.392_5810.dhhn92.25833.tif
      ERROR 1: Ungridded dataset: At line 348, change of Y direction

where as the correctly sorted, worked correctly
    gdal_translate -ot Float32 -a_srs EPSG:25833 2007.392_5810.dhhn92.25833.tif

For spatialite_dem, it is only cosmetic
    no attempt will be made by spatialite_dem to sort the data inside input file

Query of Dem-Database (-fetch_yx)

This is very swift, mostly around 3 milli-seconds
spatialite_dem -v  -fetchz_xy  24700.55278283251 20674.74537357586
Dem: srid 25833
Dem: extent min x/y(370000.0000000,5798000.0000000)
	    max x/y(415999.0000000,5837999.0000000)
Dem: extent width(45999.0000000)
Dem: rows_count(utm_point) 1116000000
Dem: resolution(utm_point) 1.6486685
Dem: geometry_type(1001) has_z1 has_m0
Dem: spatial_index_enabled1
Dem '/home/mj10777/000_links/build_berlin_data/build.berlin_admin/geometry_admin/source_db/'
 TABLEberlin_dhhn92_2007 with GEOMETRY-Columnutm_point
-W-> -rdem was set. Using: resolution(0.5000000), overriding the calculated value: 1.6486685
FetchZ modus: with default_srid[3068]  x24700.5527828 y20674.7453736 has_m0
FetchZ modus: with     dem_srid[25833] x391427.4994515 y5819297.5054299 z33.5600000
>> time needed: 07 milli-secs


without '-v'

  • only the z-value is returned and can be used in a bash script.

Configuration of default Dem-Database to use and default srid for queries

can be saved with -save_conf to file default 'spatialite-dem.conf'

spatialite_dem will read that file first, setting the default values

The Database I created was called '' and placed in the '/long/path/to/file/' directory.

Using the -sniff parameter, the settings can be checked:
spatialite_dem  -sniff -d /long/path/to/file/berlin_admin_geometries.db -t berlin_street_segments -g soldner_segment -ddem /long/path/to/file/ -tdem berlin_dhhn92_2007 -gdem utm_point

resulting also with

Source: srid 3068 ... Source Database: has passed all checks. ... Dem: srid 25833 ... Dem: resolution(utm_point) 1.6486685 ... Dem Database: has passed all checks. Sniffing modus: All pre-conditions have been fulfilled. to start update, use the '-updatez' parameter. to save dem-conf, use the '-save_conf' parameter.

With SPATIALITE_DEM having been set, using -save_conf, would save the config to the file pointed to in SPATIALITE_DEM.

Since I will use this Database for 99% of my needs, I have added the export command to my local .bashrc.

So when calling (with out -v):
spatialite_dem -fetchz_xy  24700.55278283251 20674.74537357586
with out having to give:

over and over again.

Important is setting/editing the dem_resolution/-rdem parameter in the conf file

Since I forgot to use the '-rdem' parameter when using '-save_conf':
-rdem 0.50

this would then have to be changed in the file:

# -- -- ---------------------------------- --
# Area around given point to Query Dem-Geometry in units of Dem-Srid
# -> Rule: a Dem with 1m resolution: min=0.50
# -- -- ---------------------------------- --

In this case the Database contains only the Open-Data points of Berlin,
    for the area of Brandenburg (which has no OpenData policy) there are no points, but are, never the less, inside the Extent.

    So although the resolution is 1.0 meters, where dem points exist, the calculated resolution for the extent is: 1.6486685.
    For this reason the -rdem parameter, overriding the calculated resolution, should always be used.


  • will give out more information about what the tool is doing
    • and should not be used in a bash script
  • will simulate what the tool will do, where possible
    • useful to check if the given parameters are correct
  • will save the used configuration to the given file
    • useful to the usage of the tool, using an alternative defaut parameter values
  • will override the calculated resolution
    • which, in most cases, will be needed
  • Area around a given point to search for: 1.0/2=0.5

Updating a Database SpatialTables with Z-Values from Dem-Database (-updatez)


That a copy from an origianl TABLE has been made that contains a Geometry of the Z or ZM Geometry type (using CastToXYZ or CastToXYZM).
  • The the Z-Value of the point(s) must be 0.
    • all Geometry-Types are supported: POINT, LINESTRING, POLYGON, GEOMETRYCOLLECTION
      including all MULTI-Types of POINT, LINESTRING and POLYGON
  • The srid of the Geometry can be different that the srid of the Dem-Points
    • the Z-Values will be taken over without any 'height' transformation
The update Process will not proceed if any preconditiions are not fulfilled.

  • can be used to check that these pre-conditions are fulfiled

A Sql-Script to convert one TABLE from an XY-based Database to XYZ-based Database could look like this:
With the Database
Third we will remove the -v command, so that -updatez without any information messages
 spatialite_dem -updatez --db-path -t berlin_polygons -g soldner_ring
 spatialite_dem -updatez --db-path -t berlin_polygons -g soldner_linestring
 spatialite_dem -updatez --db-path -t berlin_polygons -g soldner_center

(As one can see, one sees nothing)


If the srid of the Geometry is different that the srid of the Dem-Points
  • The Geometry will be transformed, as a copy, to the srid of the Dem-Points.
    • the found Z-Point will be replaced in the original Geometry without any 'height' transformation
For any Geometry where the Z-Value is <> 0
  • the Geometry will be ignored, assuming the value has already been set
    • allowing for a swift update to added Geometries
For any Geometry where the Z-Value has not changed
  • the Geometry will not be updated
For any Geometry that contain a M-Value
  • the M-Value will remain unchanged


Return code of tool:
  • 0 correct
  • 1 error
    • as expected on a unix system (bash)
The (internal) functions return:
  • 1 correct
  • 0 error
    • as expected in a c based program
Depending on what is needed. different running settings can be used
  • Logical checks with Messages, but without running the command
  • Messages while running
  • Running only with a return code and possibly (as for -fetchz) with a result
    • for use with bash or other calling applications

Sample Photos

Sample Points
The Database used here used srid 25833 (ETRS89 / UTM zone 33N)
but displays the map with srid 3068 (DHDN / Soldner Berlin)

    Sample Points

  • SRID=3068;POINT(24700.55278283251 20674.74537357586)
  • SRID=25833;POINT(391427.4990121186 5819297.504889704)

630709428391427.0000005819297.00000033.62000024700.06298620674.230126 0.710572

Sql used to create the sample points

Sql used to create the above list
      id_dem, point_x AS x_utm, point_y AS y_utm,
      point_z AS Z,
      ST_X(ST_Transform(utm_point,3068)) AS x_soldner,
      ST_Y(ST_Transform(utm_point,3068)) AS x_soldner,
      ST_Distance(utm_point,ST_Transform(MakePoint(24700.55278283251,20674.74537357586,3068),25833)) AS distance_meters
    FROM "berlin_dhhn92_2007"
     -- First condition
     ( -- Out of the records, select only those that are in range 4 will be returned
      -- for a SpatialView, the Primary-Key must be used, otherwise ROWID can be used
      id_dem IN
       -- Use the Spatialite internal logic to simplify the SQL-Query, avoiding rounding errors that could miss a valid geometry
       SELECT ROWID FROM SpatialIndex
        -- Use the created index for the given TABLE
        -- To query an ATTACHED Database, replace 'main' with the used schema-name
        -- > 'DB=main.' for a non-ATTACHED Database is not mandatory
        (f_table_name = 'DB=main.berlin_dhhn92_2007') AND
        -- Use the given Geometry-Column mandatory only where there is more than 1 Geometry-Column
        (f_geometry_column = 'utm_point') AND
        -- search an area 0.5 meters around the given point (= 1 meter width/height)
        (search_frame = ST_Buffer(ST_Transform(MakePoint(24700.55278283251,20674.74537357586,3068),25833),0.5))
    ORDER BY distance;

    -- spatialite_gui: 4 rows fetched in 00:00:00:079 from 1.116 billion records

Screenshot showing the test points (Scale 1:15)

Agua Point : 24700.55278283251 20674.74537357586

Since the SPATIALITE_DEM is set to a config file where default_srid=3068 and -rdem=0.5 is set, a simplified form of the command can be used:

spatialite_dem -fetchz_xy 24700.55278283251 20674.74537357586
(Upper-Left green circle)

spatialite_dem -fetchz_xy 24700.554 20674.745
(Upper-Right green circle)

spatialite_dem -fetchz_xy 24700.55 20674.70
(Lower-Left green circle)

spatialite_dem -fetchz_xy 24700.60 20674.70
(Lower-Right green circle)

This street intersection is not a cobble stoned street, so where does the 6 cm difference come from?

Screenshot showing the test points (Scale 1:100)


Determin if DEM-Points reflect the heights of buildings or ground level

spatialite_dem --save_conf

    # -- -- ---------------------------------- --
    # For use with spatialite_dem
    # -- -- ---------------------------------- --
    # export SPATIALITE_DEM/long/path/to/file/
    # -- -- ---------------------------------- --
    # Full path to Spatialite-Database containing a Dem-POINTZ (or POINTZM) Geometry
    # Table-Name containing a Dem-POINTZ (or POINTZM) Geometry
    # Geometry-Column containing a Dem-POINTZ (or POINTZM) Geometry
    # Srid of  Dem-Geometry
    # -- -- ---------------------------------- --
    # Area around given point to Query Dem-Geometry in units of Dem-Srid
    # -> Rule: a Dem with 1m resolution: min=0.50
    # -- -- ---------------------------------- --
    # Default Srid of Queries against Dem-Geometry -fetchz_xy, -updatez
    # -- -- ---------------------------------- --
    # Count of rows in Dem-Geometry
    # Min X of Dem-Geometry
    # Max X of Dem-Geometry
    # Min Y of Dem-Geometry
    # Max Y of Dem-Geometry
    # Width of Dem-Area in Srid-Units
    # Height of Dem-Area in Srid-Units
    # -- -- ---------------------------------- --


The main goal of the conf file is to simplify the usage of the tool
  • The assumption is that main Dem-Database will often be used
    • therefore the Dem-Input parameters, that are needed for all command forms, should be automated
  • Also the default srid to use and the Radius (area around a given point) should be automated
Creation of conf file:
  • First create a valid command with all needed parameters:

    • spatialite_dem -ddem /home/mj10777/000_links/build_berlin_data/build.berlin_admin/geometry_admin/source_db/ \
       -tdem berlin_dhhn92_2007 \
       -gdem utm_point \
       -rdem 0.50 \
       -default_srid 3068 \

      Dem: srid 25833 Dem: default_srid3068 Dem: extent min x/y(370000.0000000,5798000.0000000) max x/y(415999.0000000,5837999.0000000) Dem: extent width(45999.0000000) height(39999.0000000) Dem: rows_count(utm_point) 1116000000 Dem: resolution(utm_point) 1.6486685 Dem: geometry_type(1001) has_z1 has_m0 Dem: spatial_index_enabled1 Dem '/home/mj10777/000_links/build_berlin_data/build.berlin_admin/geometry_admin/source_db/' TABLEberlin_dhhn92_2007 with GEOMETRY-Columnutm_point -W-> -rdem was set. Using: resolution(0.5000000), overriding the calculated value: 1.6486685

  • If the result is correct:
    • Set the Environment variable SPATIALITE_DEM to a valid path/filename of your choice:
      • such as /long/path/to/file/database-name.conf
    • Add a -save_conf to the command and run:
    • Add the export SPATIALITE_DEM= ... to your local bashrc if desired.
    Inside a bash script
  • You can switch from one Dem-Database to another by setting SPATIALITE_DEM to another, existing, conf file.

spatialite_dem --help

    usage: spatialite_dem ARGLIST
    -h or --help                    print this help message
    ========================== Parameters ========================
      -- -- ---------------- Dem-Data Database ---------------- --
    -ddem or --dem-path  pathname to the SpatiaLite Dem DB
    -tdem or --table-dem table_name SpatialTable or SpatialView
    -gdem or --geometry-dem-column col_name the Geometry column
    	 must be a POINT Z or a POINT ZM type
    -rdem or --dem-resolution of the dem points while searching
    	 the automatic resolution calculation is based on the row_count
    	 within the extent, which may not be correct!
    	 Use '-rdem' to set a realistic value
    -- -- -------------- Source-Update-Database ----------------- -- -d or --db-path pathname to the SpatiaLite DB -t or --table table_name, must be a SpatialTable -g or --geometry-column the Geometry column to update must be a Z or a ZM Dimension type use CastToXYZ(geom) or CastToXYZM(geom) to convert -- -- --------------- General Parameters ---------------- -- -mdem or --copy-m 0=no, 1= yes [default if exists] -default_srid or --srid for use with -fetchz -fetchz_xy x- and y-value for use with -fetchz -v or --verbose messages during -updatez and -fetchz -save_conf based on active -ddem , -tdem, -gdem and -srid when valid
    -- -- -------------------- Notes: ---------------------- -- -I-> the Z value will be copied from the nearest point found -I-> the Srid of the source Geometry and the Dem-POINT can be different -I-> when -fetchz_xy is used in a bash script, -v should not be used the z-value will then be retured as the result
    -- -- -------------------- Conf file: ------------------- -- -I-> if 'SPATIALITE_DEM' is set with the path to a file -I--> 'export SPATIALITE_DEM=/long/path/to/file/berlin_dhh92.conf' -I-> then '-save_conf' save the config to that file -I-> this file will be read on each application start, setting those values -I--> the parameters for : which Dem-Database and Geometry and the default_srid to use for queries -> would then not be needed
    -- -- ---------------- Importing .xyz files: ------------------- -- -I-> a single xyz.file or a directory containing .xyz files can be given for directories: only files with the extension .xyz will be searched for -I-> a single list.file inside a directory containing .xyz files can be given each line containing the file-name that must exist in that directory -I-> validty checks are done before importing xyz-files the first line may contain only 3 double values (point_x/y/z) if valid, the file-name and the point_x/y points are stored when importing, the list will be read based of the y/x points
    -- -- ---------------- Sorting .xyz files ---------------------- -- -I-> xyz.files should be sorted: y='South to North' and x='West to East': sort -n -k2 -k1 -o =========================== Commands =========================== -sniff default analyse settings without UPDATE of z-values -updatez Perform UPDATE of z-values -fetchz Perform Query of z-values using -fetchz_x_y and default_srid will be assumed when using -fetchz_x_y -create_dem create Dem-Database using -ddem,-tdem, -gdem and -srid for the Database -d as a file -import_xyz import another .xyz file into a Dem-Database created with -create_dem these points will not be sorted, but added to the end =========================== Sample =========================== --> with 'SPATIALITE_DEM' set: spatialite_dem -fetchz_xy 24700.55278283251 20674.74537357586 33.5600000 ==============================================================

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