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Artifact ID: 3c84dc4587c5035c97d77c7975e8c7637c231661
Ticket: 970ab8322e4995793b6b3acb872d1e6a100af60b
spatial_ref_sys definitions shouldn't contain TOWGS84[] in WKT definition
User & Date: sandro 2020-08-02 16:10:31

  1. icomment:
    Hi Even,
    supporting a +towgs84 term in "old style" geodesic strings contained into spatial_ref_sys is absolutely intentional.
    here is a short rationale:
    1. when spatialite is linked against PROJ.6 or PROJ.7 all geodesic definitions are
       always retrieved directly from the PROJ own sqlite DB
    2. so the old geodesic strings in spatial_ref_sys are still there just to support
       the case when spatialite is linked against some obsolete version of PROJ,
       and in this case defining +towgs84 is absolutely required in order to
       preserve a fair historical coherence.
    future perspectives: when old PROJ versions will be reasonably disappeared, 
    spatial_ref_sys will become just a plain dictionary (SRID, auth_name, auth_srid 
    and ref_sys_name) mainly intended to support Foreign Key constrains in 
    geometry_columns, but will no longer contain any geodesic data at all.
  2. login: "sandro"
  3. mimetype: "text/x-fossil-plain"
  4. priority changed to: "Immediate"
  5. resolution changed to: "Works_As_Designed"
  6. status changed to: "Closed"