About the new Map tool (starting since version 2.1.0)
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Starting with version 2.1.0 of the GUI front end (spatialite_gui), a rather sophisticated Map Panel, fully based on both libspatialite and librasterlite2, has been integreted.

To promote a simple and easy familiarization with this new advanced feature, several, practical step by step examples, have been made available as tutorials.
For the tutorials, sample databases have been made available for each of the four tutorials.

The tutorials are structured in two distinct groups:
  1. Basic tutorials, intended to exemplify and explain how-to use the Map Panel from an end-user perspective.
  2. Advanced tutorials, intended to exemplify and explain how-to create and configure databases fully supporting Map Panel.
    This second group is mainly inteded for power-users, database administrators and alike.

Basic Tutorials

Advanced Tutorials

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