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usage: spatialite_osm_net ARGLIST
-h or --help                    print this help message
-o or --osm-path pathname       the OSM-XML file path
                 both OSM-XML (*.osm) and OSM-ProtoBuf
                 (*.osm.pbf) are indifferenctly supported.
-d or --db-path  pathname       the SpatiaLite DB path
-T or --table    table_name     the db table to be feeded

you can specify the following options as well
-cs or --cache-size    num      DB cache size (how many pages)
-m or --in-memory               using IN-MEMORY database
-2 or --undirectional           double arcs
--roads                         extract roads (default)
--railways                      extract railways
                                (mutually exclusive)
template-file specific options:
-ot or --out-template  path     creates a default template-file
-tf or --template-file path     using a template-file

$ spatialite_osm_net -o my_country.osm.pbf -d my_country.sqlite -T roads
SQLite version: 3.7.11
SpatiaLite version: 3.1.0
Parsing input: Pass 1 (Nodes and Ways) ...
Parsing input: Pass 2 (Arcs of the Graph) ...
Creating helper table 'roads_nodes' ... wait please ...
        Helper table 'roads_nodes' succesfully created
Dropping temporary table 'osm_tmp_nodes' ... wait please ...
        Dropped table 'osm_tmp_nodes'
Dropping temporary table 'graph_nodes' ... wait please ...
        Dropped table 'graph_nodes'
VACUUMing the DB ... wait please ...
        All done: OSM graph was succesfully loaded

the above shown command must be invoked from the shell:
Please note: sometimes you can notice many Unresolved-Node or Unresolved-Way warning messages: dont be too much worried.
This simply means that your OSM input file does actually contains several broken cross-references (i.e. invalid complex Map objects).
This one is a quite common situation, but it's rather innocuous (invalid objects will be simply ignored, fully preserving any other valid object).

Another example:
$  spatialite_osm_net -o my_country.osm.pbf -d my_country.sqlite -T rails --railways
SQLite version: 3.7.11
SpatiaLite version: 3.1.0
Parsing input: Pass 1 (Nodes and Ways) ...
Parsing input: Pass 2 (Arcs of the Graph) ...
Creating helper table 'rails_nodes' ... wait please ...
        Helper table 'rails_nodes' succesfully created
Dropping temporary table 'osm_tmp_nodes' ... wait please ...
        Dropped table 'osm_tmp_nodes'
Dropping temporary table 'graph_nodes' ... wait please ...
        Dropped table 'graph_nodes'
VACUUMing the DB ... wait please ...
        All done: OSM graph was succesfully loaded

Once the command succesfully completes its execution, you'll find a brand new DB-file just created ...

... you can explore this DB-file e.g. using spatialite_gui. As you can notice, there are four tables in this DB-file:
Please note: you can directly use the Build Network feature available on the GUI tool in order to create a VirtualNetwork supporting Routing queries.
Alternatively you can use the same feature available on spatialite_gis, or you can use the spatialite_network CLI tool; both them performs the same identical task.

This is an example illustrating how-to build a full-qualified VirtualNetwork corresponding to Roads.
You can then directly query this VirtualNetwork in order to get Routing solutions.

The roads_nodes and rails_nodes may appear to be needless redundant: they are not strictly required in order to correctly represent the Graph, because all Nodes are implicitly defined by Arcs. Anyway there are really good reasons suggesting to create an explicit representation for Nodes:

What is node cardinality ?

It simply is the total count of incoming / outcoming Arcs connected to the same Node.
Obviously when a node presents a cardinality = 1 there is an exceptional (and may be unexpected) condition. i.e. this denotes a dead end or blind alley: there is no way allowing to go further away, because there is simply a single Arc connected to this Node.
Commonly used Networks surely can have many dead ends and blind alleys, it's a normal and fully legitimate condition.
But sometimes this condition may reveal an unexpected topology discontinuity (one major issue actually poisoning / killing the Graph for Routing purposes).
A wise interpretation of node cardinality is a powerful conceptual instrument allowing to quickly identify obscure reasons causing crazy and puzzling Routing solutions.

You can read from this Wiki page futher details about how-to use Node Cardinality in order to easily identify obscure topology discontinuities affecting (and plaguing) OSM networks.

Advanced configuration settings

OSM dataset are not always regularly self-consistent as expected: a wide variability exists from zone to zone, accordingly to local mapper's tastes and preferences.
Remember, OSM is community-driven project: a standard tags definition exists, but this simply being based on a a loose (and freely variable) dictionary.
So it's not at all surprising to eventually discover that many inconsistencies exist, and that variable criteria may have been adopted in different zones by different mapping communities.

In the previous examples we have simply used the standard default configuration assumed by spatialite_osm_net to be the one best fit for average cases.
Anyway a much more sophisticated and more flexible configuration is now supported by spatialite_osm_net, one based on external template-files.
# the '#' char represents a comment marker:
# any text until the next new-line (NL) char will
# be ignored at all.

# NodingStrategy section
# - NodingStrategy:way-ends
#   any Way end-point (both extremities) is assumed to represent
#   a Node into the Graph [network] to be built.
# - NodingStrategy:none
#   any Way is assumed to directly represent an Arc into the Graph
#   [network] to be built. No attempt to split and renode the
#   Graph's Arcs will be performed.
# - NodingStrategy:all
#   any Way point is assumed to represent a Node into the Graph
#   [network] to be built, if it's shared by two or more Ways.

NodingStrategy:way-ends # default value
# NodingStrategy:none
# NodingStrategy:all

# OnewayStrategy section
# - OnewayStrategy:full
#   the following OSM tags will be assumed to identify oneways:
#   * oneway:1, oneway:true or oneway:yes [oneway, normal direction]
#   * oneway:-1 or oneway:reverse [oneway, reverse direction]
#   * junction:roundabout, highway:motorway or highway:motorway_link
#   * [implicit oneway, normal direction]
# - OnewayStrategy:none
#   all Arcs will be assumed to be bidirectional (no oneway at all).
# - OnewayStrategy:ignore-roundabout
#   any junction:roundabout tag will not be assumed to mark an oneway.
# - OnewayStrategy:ignore-motorway
#   any highway:motorway or highway:motorway_link tag will not be 
#   assumed to mark an oneway.
# - OnewayStrategy:ignore-both-roundabout-and-motorway
#   any junction:roundabout, highway:motorway or highway:motorway_link
#   tag will not be assumed to mark an oneway.

OnewayStrategy:full # default value
# OnewayStrategy:none
# OnewayStrategy:ignore-roundabout
# OnewayStrategy:ignore-motorway
# OnewayStrategy:ignore-both-roundabout-and-motorway

# ClassInclude section
# - tokens are delimited by colons ':'
# - the second and third tokens represents a Class-name tag
#   identifying the Arcs of the Graph: i.e. any Way exposing
#   this tag will be processed.
# - special case: suppressing the third token selects any
#   generic main-class tag to be processed

ClassInclude:highway: # default value (all kind of highway)

# ClassIgnore section
# - tokens are delimited by colons ':'
# - the second and third tokens represents a Class-name tag
#   identifying Ways to be completely ignored.


# SpeedClass section
# - tokens are delimited by colons ':'
# - the second token represents the Road Class-name
#   [no name, i.e. '::' identifies the defaul value
#   to be applied when no specific class match is found]
# - the third token represents the corresponding speed
#   [expressed in Km/h]

SpeedClass::30.0 # default value
# SpeedClass:yet_anotherclass_1:1.0
# SpeedClass:yet_anotherclass_2:2.0
# SpeedClass:yet_anotherclass_3:3.0

The above one is a full example of such template-file:
$ spatialite_osm_net -ot road_template
template-file "road_template" succesfully created
$ spatialite_osm_net -ot rail_template --railways
template-file "rail_template" succesfully created
You can use the -ot template-path argument in order to create a template-file exactly corresponding to default settings; you can then re-arrange such template as required by your specific settings simply using any text-editor.

$ spatialite_osm_net -o my_country.osm.pbf -d my_country.sqlite -T roads -tf road_template
$ spatialite_osm_net -o my_country.osm.pbf -d my_country.sqlite -T rails -tf rail_template
Finally you simply have to invoke spatialite_osm_net by passing a -tf template-path argument in order to override all default settings.

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