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Artifact ID: 675d41bdbfbdd20b4828ea688dfe09ac76cf4395
Ticket: 74ba14876cbcfa9abeb487aae14b1b4c9f8ca9d1
GeomFromGeoJSON requires properties in a specific order
User & Date: anonymous 2019-07-25 18:52:30

  1. icomment:
    As a workaround for versions prior to this being fixed, it's possible to use the JSON1 extension to rewrite the property order as so:
    SELECT AsText( GeomFromGeoJson( json_object(
      'type', json_extract(json, '$.type' ),
      'coordinates', json_extract(json, '$.coordinates' )
  2. login: "anonymous"
  3. mimetype: "text/x-fossil-plain"