Note: these pages are no longer maintained

Never the less, much of the information is still relevant.
Beware, however, that some of the command syntax is from older versions, and thus may no longer work as expected.
Also: external links, from external sources, inside these pages may no longer function.

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Language bindings: PHP

Last updated: 2015 December 7

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Test environment

Linux Debian:
just to be sure to check an up-to-date state-of-the-art I've actually used Debian 8 Jessie (64 bit).
So I'm actually sure that all required packages are reasonably using the most recent version.

PHP and SQLite connector:
My Debian Virtual Machine had no Apache and PHP stuff already installed.
So I started my test installing the following packages:

Configuring PHP

I quickly discovered that using the default PHP configuration SpatiaLite cannot be dynamically loaded as an extension to the basic SQLite connector.
At least the following change has to applied first into the /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini configuration script.

default php.ini:
;sqlite3.extension_dir =

updated php.ini:
sqlite3.extension_dir = /var/www/sqlite3_ext
The SQLite connector for PHP actually has a built-in capability to load dynamic extensions.
Anyway you must explicitly enable a given directory containing any extension to be dynamically loaded.

# /etc/init.d/apache2 restart
After modifying the php.ini script restarting the Apache WEB server is absolutely required, so to materialize the new configuration.

# mkdir /var/www/sqlite3_ext
# cp /usr/local/lib/ /var/www/sqlite3_ext
Then I've simply created the /var/www/sqlite3_ext directory.
And finally I've copied the loadable module from /usr/local/lib into this directory.

Please note well: in order to perform all the above mentioned operations you must login as root

PHP sample program

    <title>Testing SpatiaLite on PHP</title>
    <h1>testing SpatiaLite on PHP</h1>

# connecting some SQLite DB
# we'll actually use an IN-MEMORY DB
# so to avoid any further complexity;
# an IN-MEMORY DB simply is a temp-DB
$db = new SQLite3(':memory:');

# loading SpatiaLite as an extension

# enabling Spatial Metadata
# using v.2.4.0 this automatically initializes SPATIAL_REF_SYS
$db->exec("SELECT InitSpatialMetadata(1)");

# reporting some version info
$rs = $db->query('SELECT sqlite_version()');
while ($row = $rs->fetchArray())
  print "<h3>SQLite version: $row[0]</h3>";
$rs = $db->query('SELECT spatialite_version()');
while ($row = $rs->fetchArray())
  print "<h3>SpatiaLite version: $row[0]</h3>";

# creating a POINT table
$sql = "CREATE TABLE test_pt (";
$sql .= "name TEXT NOT NULL)";
# creating a POINT Geometry column
$sql = "SELECT AddGeometryColumn('test_pt', ";
$sql .= "'geom', 4326, 'POINT', 'XY')";

# creating a LINESTRING table
$sql = "CREATE TABLE test_ln (";
$sql .= "name TEXT NOT NULL)";
# creating a LINESTRING Geometry column
$sql = "SELECT AddGeometryColumn('test_ln', ";
$sql .= "'geom', 4326, 'LINESTRING', 'XY')";

# creating a POLYGON table
$sql = "CREATE TABLE test_pg (";
$sql .= "name TEXT NOT NULL)";
# creating a POLYGON Geometry column
$sql = "SELECT AddGeometryColumn('test_pg', ";
$sql .= "'geom', 4326, 'POLYGON', 'XY')";

# inserting some POINTs
# please note well: SQLite is ACID and Transactional
# so (to get best performance) the whole insert cycle
# will be handled as a single TRANSACTION
for ($i = 0; $i < 10000; $i++)
  # for POINTs we'll use full text sql statements
  $sql = "INSERT INTO test_pt (id, name, geom) VALUES (";
  $sql .= $i + 1;
  $sql .= ", 'test POINT #";
  $sql .= $i + 1;
  $sql .= "', GeomFromText('POINT(";
  $sql .= $i / 1000.0;
  $sql .= " ";
  $sql .= $i / 1000.0;
  $sql .= ")', 4326))";

# checking POINTs
$sql = "SELECT DISTINCT Count(*), ST_GeometryType(geom), ";
$sql .= "ST_Srid(geom) FROM test_pt";
$rs = $db->query($sql);
while ($row = $rs->fetchArray())
  # read the result set
  $msg = "Inserted ";
  $msg .= $row[0];
  $msg .= " entities of type ";
  $msg .= $row[1];
  $msg .= " SRID=";
  $msg .= $row[2];
  print "<h3>$msg</h3>";

# inserting some LINESTRINGs
# this time we'll use a Prepared Statement
$sql = "INSERT INTO test_ln (id, name, geom) ";
$sql .= "VALUES (?, ?, GeomFromText(?, 4326))";
$stmt = $db->prepare($sql);
for ($i = 0; $i < 10000; $i++)
  # setting up values / binding
  $name = "test LINESTRING #";
  $name .= $i + 1;
  $geom = "LINESTRING(";
  if (($i%2) == 1)
    # odd row: five points
    $geom .= "-180.0 -90.0, ";
    $geom .= -10.0 - ($i / 1000.0);
    $geom .= " ";
    $geom .= -10.0 - ($i / 1000.0);
    $geom .= ", ";
    $geom .= -10.0 - ($i / 1000.0);
    $geom .= " ";
    $geom .= 10.0 + ($i / 1000.0);
    $geom .= ", ";
    $geom .= 10.0 + ($i / 1000.0);
    $geom .= " ";
    $geom .= 10.0 + ($i / 1000.0);
    $geom .= ", 180.0 90.0";
    # even row: two points
    $geom .= -10.0 - ($i / 1000.0);
    $geom .= " ";
    $geom .= -10.0 - ($i / 1000.0);
    $geom .= ", ";
    $geom .= 10.0 + ($i / 1000.0);
    $geom .= " ";
    $geom .= 10.0 + ($i / 1000.0);
  $geom .= ")";

  $stmt->bindValue(1, $i+1, SQLITE3_INTEGER);
  $stmt->bindValue(2, $name, SQLITE3_TEXT);
  $stmt->bindValue(3, $geom, SQLITE3_TEXT);

# checking LINESTRINGs
$sql = "SELECT DISTINCT Count(*), ST_GeometryType(geom), ";
$sql .= "ST_Srid(geom) FROM test_ln";
$rs = $db->query($sql);
while ($row = $rs->fetchArray())
  # read the result set
  $msg = "Inserted ";
  $msg .= $row[0];
  $msg .= " entities of type ";
  $msg .= $row[1];
  $msg .= " SRID=";
  $msg .= $row[2];
  print "<h3>$msg</h3>";

# insering some POLYGONs
# this time too we'll use a Prepared Statement
$sql = "INSERT INTO test_pg (id, name, geom) ";
$sql .= "VALUES (?, ?, GeomFromText(?, 4326))";
$stmt = $db->prepare($sql);
for ($i = 0; $i < 10000; $i++)
  # setting up values / binding
  $name = "test POLYGON #";
  $name .= $i + 1;
  $geom = "POLYGON((";
  $geom .= -10.0 - ($i / 1000.0);
  $geom .= " ";
  $geom .= -10.0 - ($i / 1000.0);
  $geom .= ", ";
  $geom .= 10.0 + ($i / 1000.0);
  $geom .= " ";
  $geom .= -10.0 - ($i / 1000.0);
  $geom .= ", ";
  $geom .= 10.0 + ($i / 1000.0);
  $geom .= " ";
  $geom .= 10.0 + ($i / 1000.0);
  $geom .= ", ";
  $geom .= -10.0 - ($i / 1000.0);
  $geom .= " ";
  $geom .= 10.0 + ($i / 1000.0);
  $geom .= ", ";
  $geom .= -10.0 - ($i / 1000.0);
  $geom .= " ";
  $geom .= -10.0 - ($i / 1000.0);
  $geom .= "))";

  $stmt->bindValue(1, $i+1, SQLITE3_INTEGER);
  $stmt->bindValue(2, $name, SQLITE3_TEXT);
  $stmt->bindValue(3, $geom, SQLITE3_TEXT);

# checking POLYGONs
$sql = "SELECT DISTINCT Count(*), ST_GeometryType(geom), ";
$sql .= "ST_Srid(geom) FROM test_pg";
$rs = $db->query($sql);
while ($row = $rs->fetchArray())
  # read the result set
  $msg = "Inserted ";
  $msg .= $row[0];
  $msg .= " entities of type ";
  $msg .= $row[1];
  $msg .= " SRID=";
  $msg .= $row[2];
  print "<h3>$msg</h3>";

# closing the DB connection


I saved this PHP sample script as: /var/www/html/SpatialiteSample.php

Then I simply started my Firefox WEB browser requesting the corresponding URL:

Firefox image

And that's all.

Please note: may well be that using other different Linux distros (or Windows) adjusting any pathname as appropriate for your specific platform should be required.

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CC-BY-SA logo Author: Alessandro Furieri
This work is licensed under the Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-SA 3.0) license.

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