Note: these pages are no longer maintained

Never the less, much of the information is still relevant.
Beware, however, that some of the command syntax is from older versions, and thus may no longer work as expected.
Also: external links, from external sources, inside these pages may no longer function.

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Language bindings: Java / JDBC

2015 January 25

This documentation page has been extensively updated: you can eventually read the previous version from here

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Test environment

Windows 7 Professional SP1 (64 bit) Windows XP Professional SP3 (32 bit) [virtual machine] SQLite's JDBC connector
Spatialite Loadable Extension and related dependencies

Important notice: freshly updated versions of the Xerial JDBC connector are now available from

Java sample program #1

This first sample program will create and populate a brand new spatialite-test.sqlite DB file.
The main topics covered by this sample are:
  1. establishing a Connection to some SQLite DB file
  2. loading the mod_spatialite Spatial Extension
  3. creating few Spatial Tables
  4. inserting 100,000 rows (including Geometries) in each table
  5. executing SQL queries and scrolling a ResultSet
  6. transactions and exceptions handling
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.DriverManager;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.Statement;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import org.sqlite.SQLiteConfig;

public class SpatialiteSample {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws ClassNotFoundException {
        // load the sqlite-JDBC driver using the current class loader

        Connection conn = null;
            // enabling dynamic extension loading
            // absolutely required by SpatiaLite
            SQLiteConfig config = new SQLiteConfig();

            // create a database connection
            conn = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:sqlite:spatialite-test.sqlite",
            Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();
            stmt.setQueryTimeout(30); // set timeout to 30 sec.

            // loading SpatiaLite
            stmt.execute("SELECT load_extension('mod_spatialite')");

            // checking SQLite and SpatiaLite version + target CPU
            String sql = "SELECT sqlite_version(), spatialite_version(), spatialite_target_cpu()";
            ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(sql);
            while( {
                // read the result set
                String msg = "SQLite version: ";
                msg += rs.getString(1);
                msg = "SpatiaLite version: ";
                msg += rs.getString(2);
                msg = "target CPU: ";
                msg += rs.getString(3);

            // enabling Spatial Metadata
            // this automatically initializes SPATIAL_REF_SYS and GEOMETRY_COLUMNS
            sql = "SELECT InitSpatialMetadata(1)";

            // creating a POINT table
            sql = "CREATE TABLE test_pt (";
            sql += "id INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,";
            sql += "name TEXT NOT NULL)";
            // creating a POINT Geometry column
            sql = "SELECT AddGeometryColumn('test_pt', ";
            sql += "'geom', 4326, 'POINT', 'XY')";

            // creating a LINESTRING table
            sql = "CREATE TABLE test_ln (";
            sql += "id INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,";
            sql += "name TEXT NOT NULL)";
            // creating a LINESTRING Geometry column
            sql = "SELECT AddGeometryColumn('test_ln', ";
            sql += "'geom', 4326, 'LINESTRING', 'XY')";

            // creating a POLYGON table
            sql = "CREATE TABLE test_pg (";
            sql += "id INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,";
            sql += "name TEXT NOT NULL)";
            // creating a POLYGON Geometry column
            sql = "SELECT AddGeometryColumn('test_pg', ";
            sql += "'geom', 4326, 'POLYGON', 'XY')";

            // inserting some POINTs
            // please note well: SQLite is ACID and Transactional,
            // so (to get best performance) the whole insert cycle
            // will be handled as a single TRANSACTION
            int i;
            for (i = 0; i < 100000; i++) {
                // for POINTs we'll use full text sql statements
                sql = "INSERT INTO test_pt (id, name, geom) VALUES (";
                sql += i + 1;
                sql += ", 'test POINT #";
                sql += i + 1;
                sql += "', GeomFromText('POINT(";
                sql += i / 1000.0;
                sql += " ";
                sql += i / 1000.0;
                sql += ")', 4326))";

            // checking POINTs
            sql = "SELECT DISTINCT Count(*), ST_GeometryType(geom), ";
            sql += "ST_Srid(geom) FROM test_pt";
            rs = stmt.executeQuery(sql);
            while( {
                // read the result set
                String msg = "> Inserted ";
                msg += rs.getInt(1);
                msg += " entities of type ";
                msg += rs.getString(2);
                msg += " SRID=";
                msg += rs.getInt(3);

            // inserting some LINESTRINGs
            // this time we'll use a Prepared Statement
            sql = "INSERT INTO test_ln (id, name, geom) ";
            sql += "VALUES (?, ?, GeomFromText(?, 4326))";
            PreparedStatement ins_stmt = conn.prepareStatement(sql);
            for (i = 0; i < 100000; i++) {
                // setting up values / binding
                String name = "test LINESTRING #";
                name += i + 1;
                String geom = "LINESTRING (";
                if ((i%2) == 1) {
                    // odd row: five points
                    geom += "-180.0 -90.0, ";
                    geom += -10.0 - (i / 1000.0);
                    geom += " ";
                    geom += -10.0 - (i / 1000.0);
                    geom += ", ";
                    geom += -10.0 - (i / 1000.0);
                    geom += " ";
                    geom += 10.0 + (i / 1000.0);
                    geom += ", ";
                    geom += 10.0 + (i / 1000.0);
                    geom += " ";
                    geom += 10.0 + (i / 1000.0);
                    geom += ", 180.0 90.0";
                } else {
                    // even row: two points
                    geom += -10.0 - (i / 1000.0);
                    geom += " ";
                    geom += -10.0 - (i / 1000.0);
                    geom += ", ";
                    geom += 10.0 + (i / 1000.0);
                    geom += " ";
                    geom += 10.0 + (i / 1000.0);
                geom += ")";
                ins_stmt.setInt(1, i+1);
                ins_stmt.setString(2, name);
                ins_stmt.setString(3, geom);

            // checking LINESTRINGs
            sql = "SELECT DISTINCT Count(*), ST_GeometryType(geom), ";
            sql += "ST_Srid(geom) FROM test_ln";
            rs = stmt.executeQuery(sql);
            while( {
                // read the result set
                String msg = "> Inserted ";
                msg += rs.getInt(1);
                msg += " entities of type ";
                msg += rs.getString(2);
                msg += " SRID=";
                msg += rs.getInt(3);

            // inserting some POLYGONs
            // this time too we'll use a Prepared Statement
            sql = "INSERT INTO test_pg (id, name, geom) ";
            sql += "VALUES (?, ?, GeomFromText(?, 4326))";
            ins_stmt = conn.prepareStatement(sql);
            for (i = 0; i < 100000; i++) {
                // setting up values / binding
                String name = "test POLYGON #";
                name += i + 1;
                ins_stmt.setInt(1, i+1);
                ins_stmt.setString(2, name);
                String geom = "POLYGON((";
                geom += -10.0 - (i / 1000.0);
                geom += " ";
                geom += -10.0 - (i / 1000.0);
                geom += ", ";
                geom += 10.0 + (i / 1000.0);
                geom += " ";
                geom += -10.0 - (i / 1000.0);
                geom += ", ";
                geom += 10.0 + (i / 1000.0);
                geom += " ";
                geom += 10.0 + (i / 1000.0);
                geom += ", ";
                geom += -10.0 - (i / 1000.0);
                geom += " ";
                geom += 10.0 + (i / 1000.0);
                geom += ", ";
                geom += -10.0 - (i / 1000.0);
                geom += " ";
                geom += -10.0 - (i / 1000.0);
                geom += "))";
                ins_stmt.setInt(1, i+1);
                ins_stmt.setString(2, name);
                ins_stmt.setString(3, geom);

            // checking POLYGONs
            sql = "SELECT DISTINCT Count(*), ST_GeometryType(geom), ";
            sql += "ST_Srid(geom) FROM test_pg";
            rs = stmt.executeQuery(sql);
            while( {
                // read the result set
                String msg = "> Inserted ";
                msg += rs.getInt(1);
                msg += " entities of type ";
                msg += rs.getString(2);
                msg += " SRID=";
                msg += rs.getInt(3);
        } catch(SQLException e) {
            // if the error message is "out of memory",
            // it probably means no database file is found
                if(conn != null) {
            } catch(SQLException e) {
                // connection close failed.

Java sample program #2 (multi-threading)

This second sample program will query the spatialite-test.sqlite DB file created and populated by the previous sample program.
The main topics covered by this sample are:
  1. establishing a Connection to some SQLite DB file
  2. loading the mod_spatialite Spatial Extension
  3. executing SQL queries and scrolling a ResultSet
  4. using multi-threading (parallel execution of many queries at the same time)
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.DriverManager;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.Statement;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import org.sqlite.SQLiteConfig;

public class SpatialiteThreads {
    // max concurrent threads supported by Spatialite
    public static final int MAX_THREADS = 64;

    private static class myThread extends Thread {
        // the (private) Class implementing each child Thread
        int slot;
        int thread_no;

        public myThread(int slot) {
            // ctor
            this.slot = slot;

        public void setThreadNo(int thread_no) {
            // setting the Thread counter
            this.thread_no = thread_no;

        public void run() {
            // actual Thread implementation
            // all real work happens here
            boolean ok1 = false;
            boolean ok2 = false;
            Connection conn = null;

            // welcome message
            System.out.println("start: Slot #"+slot+"    Thread #"+thread_no);

            try {
                // enabling dynamic extension loading
                // absolutely required by SpatiaLite
                SQLiteConfig config = new SQLiteConfig();

                // create a database connection
                conn = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:sqlite:spatialite-test.sqlite",
                Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();
                stmt.setQueryTimeout(30); // set timeout to 30 sec.

                // loading SpatiaLite
                stmt.execute("SELECT load_extension('mod_spatialite')");

                // preparing the SQL query statement
                String sql = "";
                switch (thread_no % 3) {
                    // each Thread will select its own query between three
                    // possible alternative depending on thread-counter value
                case 0:
                    sql = "SELECT * FROM test_pt WHERE ";
                    sql += "ST_Intersects(geom, BuildMbr(10.23, 10.23, 10.25, 10.25)) = 1";
                case 1:
                    sql = "SELECT * FROM test_ln WHERE ";
                    sql += "ST_Intersects(geom, BuildMbr(40.09, 30.09, 40.1, 30.1)) = 1";
                case 2:
                    sql = "SELECT Sum(ST_Area(geom)), Sum(ST_Perimeter(geom)) ";
                    sql += "FROM test_pg WHERE id BETWEEN 10000 AND 10005";

                // creating a ResultSet
                ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(sql);
                while( {
                    // reading the result set
                    String name;
                    double value;
                    switch (thread_no % 3) {
                    case 0:
                        name = rs.getString(2);
                        if (name.equals("test POINT #10241")) {
                            ok1 = true;
                        if (name.equals("test POINT #10249")) {
                            ok2 = true;
                    case 1:
                        name = rs.getString(2);
                        if (name.equals("test LINESTRING #12606")) {
                            ok1 = true;
                        if (name.equals("test LINESTRING #12618")) {
                            ok2 = true;
                    case 2:
                        value = rs.getDouble(1);
                        if (value > 9601.440123 && value < 9601.440125) {
                            ok1 = true;
                        value = rs.getDouble(2);
                        if (value > 960.071999 && value < 960.072001) {
                            ok2 = true;

            } catch(SQLException e) {
                // if the error message is "out of memory",
                // it probably means no database file is found
            finally {
                    if(conn != null) {
                } catch(SQLException e) {
                    // connection close failed.

            // goodbye message
            if (ok1 == true && ok2 == true) {
                System.out.println("    stop: Slot #"+slot+"    Thread #"+thread_no);
            } else {
                System.out.println("    ***** ERROR ***** stop: Slot #"+slot+"    Thread #"+thread_no);
            // thread termination: quitting

    public static void main(String[] args) throws ClassNotFoundException {
        // the Main Class is just intended to dispatch all children Threads
        int thread_no = 0;
        int i;
        int slot;

        // load the sqlite-JDBC driver using the current class loader

        // creating and initializing all children threads
        myThread thread_array[] = new myThread [MAX_THREADS];
        for (slot = 0; slot < MAX_THREADS; slot++) {
            thread_array[slot] = new myThread(slot);

        while (thread_no < 1000) {
            // looping on threads activation
            for (slot = 0; slot < MAX_THREADS; slot++) {
                // scanning all threads one by one
                if (thread_array[slot].isAlive() != true) {
                    // found a free slot:
                    // - this thred wasn't yet previously executed
                    //   or
                    // - this thread was already executed and is now terminated
                    if (thread_no >= MAX_THREADS) {
                        // Java forbids to restart yet again a terminated thread
                        // so we'll now create a fresh thread on the same slot
                        thread_array[slot] = new myThread(slot);
                    // starting thread execution

Compiling the Java sample programs

$ javac -classpath ".;sqlite-jdbc-3.8.7.jar"
$ javac -classpath ".;sqlite-jdbc-3.8.7.jar"

Just invoke the javac compiler from the Command Shell: carefully check to define an appropriate classpath, so to include the Xerial sqlite-jdbc connector.

Check the DLLs configuration

$ sqlite3
SQLite version 2014-12-09 01:34:36
Enter ".help" for usage hints.
Connected to a transient in-memory database.
Use ".open FILENAME" to reopen on a persistent database.
sqlite> SELECT load_extension('mod_spatialite');

sqlite> SELECT spatialite_version(), spatialite_target_cpu();
sqlite> .quit

SpatiaLite depends on several further DLLs; you'll find all them into the download package.
The most simple file-system layout you can eventually adopt is to copy all the stuff (JDBC connector, Java source and any DLL) directly into your current working directory.

Anyway Windows can still reserve some unexpected surprise, thus forbidding to successfully load the SpatiaLite extension. In this case Java itself will offer a very poor (and possibly misleading) diagnostic help; so a more reasonable approach is the one to check first if the SpatiaLite extension could be effectively loaded using some other sw supporting a better diagnostic.
So, from the Command Shell: Please note: in case of troubles, you can eventually use the nice Dependency Walker tool in order to get further help.

Running the Java sample program #1

$ java -classpath ".;sqlite-jdbc-3.8.7.jar" SpatialiteSample
SQLite version: 3.8.7
SpatiaLite version: 4.2.1-rc1
target CPU: x86_64-w64-mingw32
> Inserted 100000 entities of type POINT SRID=4326
> Inserted 100000 entities of type LINESTRING SRID=4326
> Inserted 100000 entities of type POLYGON SRID=4326

The above screen-shot exactly represents what you'll get in case of full success.

Important notice: don't delete the spatialite-test.sqlite DB-file just created by this first sample program; it's still required by the following multi-threaded sample program.

Running the Java sample program #2

$ java -classpath ".;sqlite-jdbc-3.8.7.jar" SpatialiteThreads
start: Slot #1    Thread #1
start: Slot #2    Thread #2
start: Slot #3    Thread #3
start: Slot #4    Thread #4
    stop: Slot #2    Thread #581
start: Slot #17    Thread #585
    stop: Slot #49    Thread #552
start: Slot #2    Thread #586
start: Slot #49    Thread #587
    stop: Slot #61    Thread #555
    stop: Slot #14    Thread #970
    stop: Slot #20    Thread #985
    stop: Slot #39    Thread #997
    stop: Slot #24    Thread #991

The above screen-shot exactly represents what you'll get in case of full success.

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