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VirtualPG is a loadable dynamic extension to both SQLite and SpatiaLite.

Its intended scope is supporting direct SQL access to PostgreSQL and PostGIS own tables, so to make any possible kind of data exchange between these two popular open source Spatial DBMSes as straightforward and simple as possible.

VirtualPG is licensed under the MPL tri-license terms; you are free to choose the best-fit license between:
Closely related projects:
Sources: current version is 2.0.1 (released on 2020-11-05)
Doxygen documentation:
  • online HTML overview doc
  • download HTML overview tarball (tar.gz)
  • download HTML overview zipfile (zip)
  • PDF of full documentation
Documentation about VirtualPG: Tutorial and HowTo guide
Development of VirtualPG 1.0.0 has been substantially funded by Tuscany Region - Territorial and Environmental Information System
Regione Toscana - Settore Sistema Informativo Territoriale ed Ambientale.