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Ticket Hash: 83fdab4b6acd885899ba71aceff7fd5ea751fd07
Title: "Load CSV/TXT" behaves differently for newer version of spatialite_gui
Status: Closed Type: Incident
Severity: Important Priority: Immediate
Subsystem: Resolution: Fixed
Last Modified: 2019-05-15 09:06:25
Version Found In: 2.1.0-beta0
User Comments:
anonymous added on 2019-03-05 23:20:47:
Using "Load CSV/TXT" for the file works correctly in version
"1.8.0_devel" but it does not work in version "2.1.0-beta0".  Specifically, the
"NAME" column which contains tract number, with embedded decimal point is not
read correctly.  The only non-default option that I use for the "Load CSV/TXT"
dialog box is: Column separator: Comma , !  Everything else I leave it at the
default in both the versions!

sandro added on 2019-05-15 09:06:25: (text/x-fossil-plain)
the problem was not directly caused by spatialite_gui
there was a bug in the VirtualText module of libspatialite.

now fixed by commit b72ce4b2a5 (libspatialite)