/* topology_private.h -- Topology opaque definitions version 4.3, 2015 July 15 Author: Sandro Furieri a.furieri@lqt.it ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1 The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the License. The Original Code is the SpatiaLite library The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Alessandro Furieri Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2015 the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved. Contributor(s): Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"), in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL. */ /** \file topology_private.h SpatiaLite Topology private header file */ #ifndef DOXYGEN_SHOULD_SKIP_THIS #ifdef _WIN32 #ifdef DLL_EXPORT #define TOPOLOGY_PRIVATE #else #define TOPOLOGY_PRIVATE #endif #else #define TOPOLOGY_PRIVATE __attribute__ ((visibility("hidden"))) #endif #endif #define GAIA_MODE_TOPO_FACE 0x00 #define GAIA_MODE_TOPO_NO_FACE 0xbb struct gaia_topology { /* a struct wrapping a Topology Accessor Object */ const void *cache; sqlite3 *db_handle; char *topology_name; int srid; double tolerance; int has_z; char *last_error_message; sqlite3_stmt *stmt_getNodeWithinDistance2D; sqlite3_stmt *stmt_insertNodes; sqlite3_stmt *stmt_getEdgeWithinDistance2D; sqlite3_stmt *stmt_getNextEdgeId; sqlite3_stmt *stmt_setNextEdgeId; sqlite3_stmt *stmt_insertEdges; sqlite3_stmt *stmt_getFaceContainingPoint_1; sqlite3_stmt *stmt_getFaceContainingPoint_2; sqlite3_stmt *stmt_deleteEdges; sqlite3_stmt *stmt_getNodeWithinBox2D; sqlite3_stmt *stmt_getEdgeWithinBox2D; sqlite3_stmt *stmt_getFaceWithinBox2D; sqlite3_stmt *stmt_getAllEdges; sqlite3_stmt *stmt_updateNodes; sqlite3_stmt *stmt_insertFaces; sqlite3_stmt *stmt_updateFacesById; sqlite3_stmt *stmt_getRingEdges; sqlite3_stmt *stmt_deleteFacesById; sqlite3_stmt *stmt_deleteNodesById; void *callbacks; void *rtt_iface; void *rtt_topology; struct gaia_topology *prev; struct gaia_topology *next; }; struct face_edge_item { /* a struct wrapping a Face-Edge item */ sqlite3_int64 edge_id; sqlite3_int64 left_face; sqlite3_int64 right_face; gaiaGeomCollPtr geom; int count; struct face_edge_item *next; }; struct face_item { /* a struct wrapping a Face item */ sqlite3_int64 face_id; struct face_item *next; }; struct face_edges { /* a struct containing Face-Edge items */ int has_z; int srid; struct face_edge_item *first_edge; struct face_edge_item *last_edge; struct face_item *first_face; struct face_item *last_face; }; /* common utilities */ TOPOLOGY_PRIVATE RTLINE *gaia_convert_linestring_to_rtline (const RTCTX * ctx, gaiaLinestringPtr ln, int srid, int has_z); TOPOLOGY_PRIVATE RTPOLY *gaia_convert_polygon_to_rtpoly (const RTCTX * ctx, gaiaPolygonPtr pg, int srid, int has_z); /* prototypes for functions handling Topology errors */ TOPOLOGY_PRIVATE void gaiatopo_reset_last_error_msg (GaiaTopologyAccessorPtr accessor); TOPOLOGY_PRIVATE void gaiatopo_set_last_error_msg (GaiaTopologyAccessorPtr accessor, const char *msg); TOPOLOGY_PRIVATE const char *gaiatopo_get_last_exception (GaiaTopologyAccessorPtr accessor); TOPOLOGY_PRIVATE struct face_edges *auxtopo_create_face_edges (int has_z, int srid); TOPOLOGY_PRIVATE void auxtopo_free_face_edges (struct face_edges *list); TOPOLOGY_PRIVATE void auxtopo_add_face_edge (struct face_edges *list, sqlite3_int64 face_id, sqlite3_int64 edge_id, sqlite3_int64 left_face, sqlite3_int64 right_face, gaiaGeomCollPtr geom); TOPOLOGY_PRIVATE void auxtopo_select_valid_face_edges (struct face_edges *list); TOPOLOGY_PRIVATE gaiaGeomCollPtr auxtopo_polygonize_face_edges (struct face_edges *list, const void *cache); TOPOLOGY_PRIVATE gaiaGeomCollPtr auxtopo_polygonize_face_edges_generalize (struct face_edges *list, const void *cache); TOPOLOGY_PRIVATE int auxtopo_create_togeotable_sql (sqlite3 * db_handle, const char *db_prefix, const char *ref_table, const char *ref_column, const char *out_table, char **xcreate, char **xselect, char **xinsert, int *ref_geom_col); TOPOLOGY_PRIVATE int auxtopo_retrieve_geometry_type (sqlite3 * handle, const char *db_prefix, const char *table, const char *column, int *ref_type); TOPOLOGY_PRIVATE gaiaGeomCollPtr auxtopo_make_geom_from_point (int srid, int has_z, gaiaPointPtr pt); TOPOLOGY_PRIVATE gaiaGeomCollPtr auxtopo_make_geom_from_line (int srid, gaiaLinestringPtr line); TOPOLOGY_PRIVATE void auxtopo_destroy_geom_from (gaiaGeomCollPtr reference); TOPOLOGY_PRIVATE void auxtopo_copy_linestring (gaiaLinestringPtr line, gaiaGeomCollPtr geom); TOPOLOGY_PRIVATE void auxtopo_copy_linestring3d (gaiaLinestringPtr line, gaiaGeomCollPtr geom); TOPOLOGY_PRIVATE int auxtopo_insert_into_topology (GaiaTopologyAccessorPtr accessor, gaiaGeomCollPtr geom, double tolerance, int line_max_points, double max_length, int mode, gaiaGeomCollPtr * failing_geometry); /* prototypes for functions creating some SQL prepared statement */ TOPOLOGY_PRIVATE sqlite3_stmt * do_create_stmt_getNodeWithinDistance2D (GaiaTopologyAccessorPtr accessor); TOPOLOGY_PRIVATE sqlite3_stmt * do_create_stmt_getNodeWithinBox2D (GaiaTopologyAccessorPtr accessor); TOPOLOGY_PRIVATE sqlite3_stmt * do_create_stmt_getEdgeWithinDistance2D (GaiaTopologyAccessorPtr accessor); TOPOLOGY_PRIVATE sqlite3_stmt * do_create_stmt_getEdgeWithinBox2D (GaiaTopologyAccessorPtr accessor); TOPOLOGY_PRIVATE sqlite3_stmt * do_create_stmt_getFaceWithinBox2D (GaiaTopologyAccessorPtr accessor); TOPOLOGY_PRIVATE sqlite3_stmt * do_create_stmt_getAllEdges (GaiaTopologyAccessorPtr accessor); TOPOLOGY_PRIVATE sqlite3_stmt * do_create_stmt_getFaceContainingPoint_1 (GaiaTopologyAccessorPtr accessor); TOPOLOGY_PRIVATE sqlite3_stmt * do_create_stmt_getFaceContainingPoint_2 (GaiaTopologyAccessorPtr accessor); TOPOLOGY_PRIVATE sqlite3_stmt * do_create_stmt_insertNodes (GaiaTopologyAccessorPtr accessor); TOPOLOGY_PRIVATE sqlite3_stmt * do_create_stmt_insertEdges (GaiaTopologyAccessorPtr accessor); TOPOLOGY_PRIVATE sqlite3_stmt * do_create_stmt_updateEdges (GaiaTopologyAccessorPtr accessor); TOPOLOGY_PRIVATE sqlite3_stmt * do_create_stmt_getNextEdgeId (GaiaTopologyAccessorPtr accessor); TOPOLOGY_PRIVATE sqlite3_stmt * do_create_stmt_setNextEdgeId (GaiaTopologyAccessorPtr accessor); TOPOLOGY_PRIVATE sqlite3_stmt * do_create_stmt_getRingEdges (GaiaTopologyAccessorPtr accessor); TOPOLOGY_PRIVATE sqlite3_stmt * do_create_stmt_insertFaces (GaiaTopologyAccessorPtr accessor); TOPOLOGY_PRIVATE sqlite3_stmt * do_create_stmt_updateFacesById (GaiaTopologyAccessorPtr accessor); TOPOLOGY_PRIVATE sqlite3_stmt * do_create_stmt_deleteFacesById (GaiaTopologyAccessorPtr accessor); TOPOLOGY_PRIVATE sqlite3_stmt * do_create_stmt_deleteNodesById (GaiaTopologyAccessorPtr accessor); TOPOLOGY_PRIVATE void finalize_topogeo_prepared_stmts (GaiaTopologyAccessorPtr accessor); TOPOLOGY_PRIVATE void create_topogeo_prepared_stmts (GaiaTopologyAccessorPtr accessor); TOPOLOGY_PRIVATE void finalize_all_topo_prepared_stmts (const void *cache); TOPOLOGY_PRIVATE void create_all_topo_prepared_stmts (const void *cache); /* callback function prototypes */ const char *callback_lastErrorMessage (const RTT_BE_DATA * be); int callback_freeTopology (RTT_BE_TOPOLOGY * topo); RTT_BE_TOPOLOGY *callback_loadTopologyByName (const RTT_BE_DATA * be, const char *name); RTT_ISO_NODE *callback_getNodeById (const RTT_BE_TOPOLOGY * topo, const RTT_ELEMID * ids, int *numelems, int fields); RTT_ISO_NODE *callback_getNodeWithinDistance2D (const RTT_BE_TOPOLOGY * topo, const RTPOINT * pt, double dist, int *numelems, int fields, int limit); int callback_insertNodes (const RTT_BE_TOPOLOGY * topo, RTT_ISO_NODE * nodes, int numelems); RTT_ISO_EDGE *callback_getEdgeById (const RTT_BE_TOPOLOGY * topo, const RTT_ELEMID * ids, int *numelems, int fields); RTT_ISO_EDGE *callback_getEdgeWithinDistance2D (const RTT_BE_TOPOLOGY * topo, const RTPOINT * pt, double dist, int *numelems, int fields, int limit); RTT_ELEMID callback_getNextEdgeId (const RTT_BE_TOPOLOGY * topo); int callback_insertEdges (const RTT_BE_TOPOLOGY * topo, RTT_ISO_EDGE * edges, int numelems); int callback_updateEdges (const RTT_BE_TOPOLOGY * topo, const RTT_ISO_EDGE * sel_edge, int sel_fields, const RTT_ISO_EDGE * upd_edge, int upd_fields, const RTT_ISO_EDGE * exc_edge, int exc_fields); RTT_ISO_FACE *callback_getFaceById (const RTT_BE_TOPOLOGY * topo, const RTT_ELEMID * ids, int *numelems, int fields); RTT_ELEMID callback_getFaceContainingPoint (const RTT_BE_TOPOLOGY * topo, const RTPOINT * pt); int callback_deleteEdges (const RTT_BE_TOPOLOGY * topo, const RTT_ISO_EDGE * sel_edge, int sel_fields); RTT_ISO_NODE *callback_getNodeWithinBox2D (const RTT_BE_TOPOLOGY * topo, const RTGBOX * box, int *numelems, int fields, int limit); RTT_ISO_EDGE *callback_getEdgeWithinBox2D (const RTT_BE_TOPOLOGY * topo, const RTGBOX * box, int *numelems, int fields, int limit); RTT_ISO_EDGE *callback_getAllEdges (const RTT_BE_TOPOLOGY * topo, int *numelems, int fields, int limit); RTT_ISO_EDGE *callback_getEdgeByNode (const RTT_BE_TOPOLOGY * topo, const RTT_ELEMID * ids, int *numelems, int fields); int callback_updateNodes (const RTT_BE_TOPOLOGY * topo, const RTT_ISO_NODE * sel_node, int sel_fields, const RTT_ISO_NODE * upd_node, int upd_fields, const RTT_ISO_NODE * exc_node, int exc_fields); int callback_updateTopoGeomFaceSplit (const RTT_BE_TOPOLOGY * topo, RTT_ELEMID split_face, RTT_ELEMID new_face1, RTT_ELEMID new_face2); int callback_insertFaces (const RTT_BE_TOPOLOGY * topo, RTT_ISO_FACE * faces, int numelems); int callback_updateFacesById (const RTT_BE_TOPOLOGY * topo, const RTT_ISO_FACE * faces, int numfaces); int callback_deleteFacesById (const RTT_BE_TOPOLOGY * topo, const RTT_ELEMID * ids, int numelems); RTT_ELEMID *callback_getRingEdges (const RTT_BE_TOPOLOGY * topo, RTT_ELEMID edge, int *numedges, int limit); int callback_updateEdgesById (const RTT_BE_TOPOLOGY * topo, const RTT_ISO_EDGE * edges, int numedges, int upd_fields); RTT_ISO_EDGE *callback_getEdgeByFace (const RTT_BE_TOPOLOGY * topo, const RTT_ELEMID * ids, int *numelems, int fields, const RTGBOX * box); RTT_ISO_NODE *callback_getNodeByFace (const RTT_BE_TOPOLOGY * topo, const RTT_ELEMID * faces, int *numelems, int fields, const RTGBOX * box); int callback_updateNodesById (const RTT_BE_TOPOLOGY * topo, const RTT_ISO_NODE * nodes, int numnodes, int upd_fields); int callback_deleteNodesById (const RTT_BE_TOPOLOGY * topo, const RTT_ELEMID * ids, int numelems); int callback_updateTopoGeomEdgeSplit (const RTT_BE_TOPOLOGY * topo, RTT_ELEMID split_edge, RTT_ELEMID new_edge1, RTT_ELEMID new_edge2); int callback_checkTopoGeomRemEdge (const RTT_BE_TOPOLOGY * topo, RTT_ELEMID rem_edge, RTT_ELEMID face_left, RTT_ELEMID face_right); int callback_updateTopoGeomFaceHeal (const RTT_BE_TOPOLOGY * topo, RTT_ELEMID face1, RTT_ELEMID face2, RTT_ELEMID newface); int callback_checkTopoGeomRemNode (const RTT_BE_TOPOLOGY * topo, RTT_ELEMID rem_node, RTT_ELEMID e1, RTT_ELEMID e2); int callback_updateTopoGeomEdgeHeal (const RTT_BE_TOPOLOGY * topo, RTT_ELEMID edge1, RTT_ELEMID edge2, RTT_ELEMID newedge); RTT_ISO_FACE *callback_getFaceWithinBox2D (const RTT_BE_TOPOLOGY * topo, const RTGBOX * box, int *numelems, int fields, int limit); int callback_topoGetSRID (const RTT_BE_TOPOLOGY * topo); double callback_topoGetPrecision (const RTT_BE_TOPOLOGY * topo); int callback_topoHasZ (const RTT_BE_TOPOLOGY * topo);