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Name Last Change Versions
4.0.0-RC1 11.65 years 8
4.1.0 Changes 8.83 years 17
4.1.0-doc 8.83 years 12
4.1.0-RC1 10.93 years 5
4.2.0 functions 8.83 years 8
4.2.0-doc 9.67 years 7
4.2.1 functions 8.87 years 6
4.3.0 doc 8.37 years 7
4.3.0 functions 8.83 years 6
4.4.0 functions 7.68 years 8
5.0.0-doc 3.73 years 12
about DE-9IM 2.07 years 3
about DM-9IM 7.03 years 3
about GetShapefileExtent() 4.35 years 6
about Pause() 4.35 years 4
About ST_Subdivide() 4.35 years 5
Affine Transform 8.87 years 20
benchmark-4.0 11.47 years 5
BLOB-TinyPoint 4.35 years 4
BufferOptions 4.35 years 4
circles-ellipses 8.83 years 4
CloneTable 9.67 years 4
dot macros 9.67 years 2
Drop-RenameTable and RenameColumn 4.35 years 4
DXF 8.83 years 9
GARS 11.31 years 2
GetDbObjectScope() 4.33 years 1
GPX tracks 3.78 years 6
GraphicResources 11.14 years 2
Ground Control Points 8.87 years 9
invalid-geometries 8.83 years 4
ISO Metadata 11.12 years 2
ISO Topology 4.35 years 3
June 2021 update 2.85 years 4
KNN 2.85 years 13
KNN2 2.85 years 6
liblwgeom-4.0 8.83 years 6
Lodable Modules in 5.0 3.73 years 1
metacatalog 8.83 years 5
Metadata references 11.12 years 2
metadata-4.0 8.83 years 9
misc-docs 11.87 years 9
mod_spatialite 8.83 years 5
PROJ.6 20.9 days 21
Sample Planet Earth 3.63 years 2
Shadowed ROWID issues 8.83 years 4
SLD/SE Styling 11.13 years 4
SpatialIndex 6.11 years 4
SpatiaLite 269.4 days 70
spatialite-android-tutorial 11.29 years 5
speed-optimization 10.98 years 3
splite-android 11.42 years 3
SQL Log 8.83 years 5
sqlite-3.7.17-extra 10.90 years 3
SRID Inspection 8.83 years 5
ST_Cutter 8.38 years 2
Stored Procedures 4.34 years 17
Supporting GeoJSON 4.34 years 9
switching-to-4.0 8.83 years 35
TemporaryGeometries 4.06 years 1
tesselations-4.0 8.83 years 7
The infamous DQS misfeature 4.34 years 3
tools-4.0 11.65 years 3
topo-advanced 3.29 years 21
topo-intermediate 3.29 years 24
topo-intro 2.85 years 16
topo-iso-sql 8.37 years 14
topo-layout 6.81 years 9
topo-start 8.37 years 13
toponet-iso-sql 8.37 years 8
toponet-start 8.37 years 6
Upgrading existing DB-files to 5.0.0 3.74 years 1
Virtual Tables (misc) 5.68 years 7
VirtualElementary 9.60 years 1
VirtualNetwork reloaded 9.44 years 7
VirtualOGR 11.42 years 4
VirtualRouting 4.34 years 39
VirtualXPath-advanced 11.32 years 2
VirtualXPath-intro 11.32 years 4
WFS 8.83 years 7
writable-view 8.83 years 5
XmlBlob and VirtualXPath 8.83 years 12
XmlBlob-intro 11.15 years 15
XmlBlob-spatialite_gui 11.32 years 5
ZippedSHP 3.78 years 7